In case you are a website owner, a problem might always occur and it doesn’t necessarily have to be connected with the hosting service. For example, something can go wrong when you update an application or some important data could be edited or deleted by mistake. Whatever the nature of the problem may be, you’ll need to contact the respective customer support team and ask them to restore a backup or to help you troubleshoot the problem that you’re confronting. How promptly they’ll do it will predetermine the length of time that your sites will be inaccessible. For given websites such as social networks or web shops, a frequent outage interval can often mean losing users and money. That is why, it is exceptionally important for you to use the services of a hosting company that provides not only a very good client support service, but also a timely one.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Web Hosting

Our Linux shared web hosting services come with a sixty-minute reply time guarantee, which suggests that regardless of what question or predicament you might have, we’ll always be there to lend you a hand. In fact, it seldom takes more than 30 minutes to get an issue solved or an inquiry answered, and this is valid for both sales and technical matters. Our customer care team members are available 24x7, even on weekends and national holidays, which goes to say that you’ll get prompt help at any time. We understand how priceless time can be, so by the time we answer your trouble ticket or email, we’ll have examined the issue and, if we haven’t sorted it out, we’ll supply you with more information on what you have to do on your end – when the case demands it. With our support service, you can be sure that there will be somebody to help you momentarily, irrespective of what time of day or night it is.

One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We guarantee that if you submit a trouble ticket via your hosting Control Panel or write an email connected with your semi-dedicated server, you’ll get a reply within maximum sixty minutes. You can get in touch with us whenever you want with regards to billing, technical or general matters and given that we’re available 7 days a week, you will always get support in a well-timed fashion. Based on the particular question or issue, we will provide you with more information, fix the obstacle if it’s been caused by something that is within our reach or instruct you on what actions to take if you have to alter some setting for a software app that we cannot access. You can just forget about waiting for a whole day for every reply. As a matter of fact, in the majority of cases we reply to emails and tickets within no more than twenty to twenty five minutes.